Saturday, July 29, 2006


The measurement from the North-East corner to the South-West corner should be more than from the South-East corner to the North-West corner.
The gate must be in the North, East or North-East.

Roads on all sides is ideal. Roads on North, East is also good.

The Ground must slope from the South-West corner towards the North-East corner.

More open space towards the East and the North to allow mornings air circulation.

Avoid balconies towards the South and the west.

Never locate the kitchen in the North-East or the South-West. The ideal locations are South-East and Maybe North-West corners.

The staircase must be towards the South, West or South-West.

The Cellar must be avoided in the South and the West portion of the site.

Underwater water storage tanks, swimming pool and wells are to be in the North-East corner.

The big trees and plants must be grown on the South or South-West side only .

Overhead tank must be in the South or South-West corner.

Compound walls on the North and East side must be lower.


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